Well Programmed: Unique Wedding Signage Idea



Winter 2015-2016

First dance, cutting of the cake, bouquet toss...keeping your guests informed about the special moments that occur during the reception isn’t always the simplest task. Now add in the element of a beautiful vintage venue like Long Beach’s Loft on Pine, which offers multiple levels under one roof, from the Great Hall upstairs to the naturally lit lower level. Providing a guide to the night’s events is a surefire way to ensure your guests won’t miss a thing, from the first to the last dance.

“Our bride was in love with the reclaimed marquee look, so we incorporated various elements of it throughout the day,” explains wedding planner and designer Christina Wright of Archive Rentals. “This custom event schedule was a rad piece, since the wedding was more free-flowing, spread throughout the Loft’s two stories.” Cindy Phan of Blot and Dot calligraphed the program on a wood panel mounted with vintage bulbs to create a sensible, yet modern blueprint to the evening’s events.