The Bridal Premiere

Shows & Events
Plan the perfect wedding at the 35th Annual Hyatt Regency Bridal Premiere! Wedding shows, such as the Bridal Premiere, have become popular haunts for brides-to-be in their quest for information. The Premiere brings together over 90 exhibitors in every wedding category; large enough to be exciting, yet small enough not to be overwhelming.

Attendees can look forward to visiting with top wedding professionals, view the latest in bridal fashions, and enjoy tasty samples from food and bakery vendors.  There’s photo displays, photo booths, musical entertainment, and much more. The newly expanded Atrium and Vista Ballrooms offer fun casino play where every bride is guaranteed to win a prize at the Roulette table, while guests enjoy ‘funny’ money at the Black Jack tables.  The new areas also feature dance demos, DIY ideas, wedding venues, home-made churros and Mexican cuisine.  

Weather permitting, the Gazebo Lawn will host BBQ, lawn games, music and four-foot lit wedding signs – perfect for selfie photos! 

Best Advice: Wear comfortable shoes, bring pen and pad to jot down ideas, and three pages of printed labels with name, address, phone number, email address, and date of wedding, thus saving valuable time, not to mention writer’s cramp from signing up for prizes at each and every booth.


80 S. Westlake Blvd
Westlake Village, CA
United States