Celebrate your special occasion with stunning candlelight! Vogue Candles specializes in luxury candlelight staging services, offering a unique and sustainable way to create breathtaking candlelight ambiance for any occasion. Our luxury candlelight services include custom packages, stunning candles, delivery, installation, lighting, and pick-up. Breath-taking candlelight aisles, candles illuminating the sweetheart and dinner tables create the most romantic ambiance and radiant glow. Unlike traditional wax candles, Vogue Candles are granulated and can be poured into any shape and size vase, offering unlimited design opportunities! In addition to luxury candlelight staging, Vogue Candles also offers phenomenal wholesale opportunities. Create emotional décor with phenomenal candlelight!

“Mahan provided beautiful stage lighting for the annual ACG 101 STARS awards at the Westlake Village Four Seasons. Her artistry created a stunning ambiance and I can’t wait to work with her again.” - Maureen Corr Whalen, MCorr Consulting
“What can we say, your candles brought the MAGIC to our party! Thank you for your generosity <3, We appreciate you greatly. And loved learning about them! We will definitely have to get them for our home! Congrats on such a rad product. <3 - Love, Riawna & Morgan
"@vogue.candles Thank you so much! Candle burns all day in my studio. Keeps the creative energy flowing. Love it! - @susanlorenzanaglass
“Okay but real talk. I’m highly allergic to pretty much all scented candles & @vogue.candles created such a beautiful granule that is clean burning and can burn for up to 4 hours. Just refill with more granules when you need! Check em out.” - @trx_teena
“For photo-shoots and weddings and even engagements I love the idea of a room full of romantic candles. But never before would I actually do it as what would I do with a room full of candles afterwards. But now I can rent them! Beauty and dreaminess are in my reach!! - Calla Gold, Calla Gold Jewelry
Los Angeles, CA
United States
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