Ever After Bouquet

Ever After Bouquet is Southern California's modern floral preservation studio, introducing the new, magical way to save your wedding bouquet, forever! Just like a fairytale, your flowers will be enchanted, frozen in time. With a little magic, your flowers may live happily ever after. 


"The owner is so dedicated and wants to ensure you love the pieces she is curating for you! She has a very artistic eye and added nice touches, such as gold flakes into my pieces. I am SO happy to have such beautiful, lasting memories of my wedding flowers! If you have any desire to preserve your flowers, go with Ever After Bouquet - you will NOT be disappointed!!" –Jessica T

"Nicest owner ever. Very helpful and informative of the process. She was extremely creative and offered ideas as well but never strayed ourselves from our vision, she just enhanced it. Highly recommend." –Scott H

"I highly suggest Crystal. She was professional and I am OBSESSED with my preserved bouquet. I have referred her to many friends who are going to love her work just as much as I did.”

"I have to say - I did a lot of research on this category and have found that Crystal's designs really stand out from the rest!”

"This was such a special piece to my dad as he was the one who made it possible for me to have my bouquet preserved as his last wedding gift to me. We both opened the package together and were blown away by how beautiful the design and quality was. It brought him to tears when he realized this artwork could be passed down for generations, best wedding gift ever!"

Temecula, CA
United States


Los Angeles
Orange County
San Diego

Contact Information for Ever After Bouquet

Temecula, CA
United States