Meet the Ring Leader: Kristin Banta

Written by
Megan McCarty Lara Burnap

If you're looking for out-of-the box inspiration for your upcoming wedding, look no further than wedding planner Kristin Banta of Kristin Banta Events. She is known for her modern yet completely revolutionary aesthetic that strives to break the wedding mode, from weddings without a single flower or candle to beautiful table settings.   Banta's goal is to be thought-provoking and push the limits of the imagination. "If I can do that, then I'm thrilled." We sat down with Banta to discuss her views on design, décor and her passion for setting new traditions and trends.


California Wedding Day: What made you fall in love with planning and designing weddings?

Kristin Banta: I wanted to provide a new point of view for wedding design--something different. I came from doing events in the fashion and music industry and never had an interest in weddings. When one of my event clients suggested I try designing their daughter’s wedding, the idea came to mind that perhaps I could interject a fresh perspective based on my background. I love the idea that this is the most significant party that any couple will ever throw and that it can and should be branded to their uniqueness, exhibiting their unique point of view.

CWD: What inspires your designs?

KB: I find inspirations from the couple. I encourage them to bring anything and everything they can find to help illustrate who they are to us. Based on what we get from them, I can begin creating a day for them that is inspired by who they are and what they love, superseding a mere color palette or theme which I believe oversimplifies the rich complexities of any couple. I encourage our couples to present us with images of things that them whether it come from Motorcycle Weekly, Elle Décor or Art Review.

CWD: How would you describe your style?

KB: My style ranges dramatically based on the clients with whom we are working but there are certainly elements that I gravitate towards that will often play a role in my interpretation of a client’s point of view. I often prefer to work more with elementals and inspired décor than florals, which are more expected. I love the role of texture coming from wall treatments, draping, linens and layering of textiles. I love designing for long tables which I feel bring an intimate, all-inclusive feeling to a reception. I am a less is more girl. I prefer masculine, clean lines and quiet statements that make a big impact. Lighting plays a huge role in any event I produce. I am not big on the use of LEDs but instead gravitate towards warm uplights, use of dimming and texture washes letting the color come more from the décor than the lighting design. I often take a residential approach to designing rooms so that the couple feels as though they are entertaining from their dream home.

CWD: What kind of clients do you tend to work with?

KB: Our clients are fun-loving, ironic and risk taking. They understand the need for whimsy and humor being infused into the wedding and do not miss opportunities to evoke their personalities into the day. They are artistic, fearless, and affluent trendsetters.

CWD: Are there traditions that you embrace?

KB: I am a contrarian when it comes to tradition. I love to challenge wedding practices that often have no meaning for our couples and they just need someone to remind them that they don’t have to subscribe to certain wedding customs unless they really connect with a custom or feel that it is relevant to them.

Meet the Ring Leader: Kristin Banta

Meet the Ring Leader: Kristin Banta

Meet the Ring Leader: Kristin Banta

Meet the Ring Leader: Kristin Banta

Meet the Ring Leader: Kristin Banta